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MR STOLEN Donghua • 2 years ago

Wow not a bad episode enjoyed it

2hands • 2 years ago

lol so many times on so many series I come to make a comment and find you've beat me to it

MR STOLEN Donghua • 2 years ago

I watch almost everything

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk old fart play dirty get hit with the consequences, either way learn the the hard way now you dead XD.

Kyo • 2 years ago

Where this bad people came from!!! Mc so hard to get there!!!! But this poo people easyly appear here!!! Chineseee always chinese cing cong ceng cung!!!

Enve Me • 2 years ago

was thinking the same thing the whole ep. since the mc needed like 5 artifacts for protection so how do the bad guys get the artifacts if the chained ppl gave it to the mc already..why didnt the bad guys get stuck slashing chains
.well w.e

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

I guess they took a safer route?

Enve Me • 1 year ago

yeah a direct portal to the goal...only bad guys can open them

frail albatross • 1 year ago

yeah that's the ridiculous part. every time the mc achieved something, the author was like "I'm just trolling you" by showing these bullsh't people appear out of nowhere

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

And the quarterback is TOAST!

gjn kln • 2 years ago


Kyo • 2 years ago

Smelly Chinese!!!!